Rinsers, Elevator/Lowerators and other Equipment Gravity Rinsing Equipment Gravity can be used when there is ample elevation difference from an overhead conveyor to the filler infeed. Side Grip Lowerator Rinsers Lowerator rinsers are used for irregular and non-round containers. Containers from an overhead conveyor to the filler infeed are lowered and inverted with 180º. Full Can Water Washing Equipment Two stage full can washer is an ideal method of washing containers after they are filled to minimize contaminates entering process systems. Side Grip Elevators/Lowerators For plastic and non-round containers Vacuum Elevators/Lowerators For aluminum cans, available in single lane or mass conveying Magnetic Elevators/Lowerators For empty and filled steel cans Belt Elevators/Lowerators For slow speed empty can conveying Spiral Mass Conveyor A space saving conveyor to elevate or lower containers while being conveyed in a mass condition. Servo Laners The CHSC Lane Divider is a servo controlled divider that will take one lane of product and discharge the product into multiple lanes.